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Your skin reflects your inner health

As an external reflection of what is happening internally, it’s likely no surprise that what you eat, and how you take care of your body, your emotional, mental, and spiritual health ALL affect how your skin looks and feels.

Ι haven’t had any skin issues so far but it seems that the stressful period I have been experiencing has affected my skin as well.

Therefore I am addressing stress as much as I can and of course I do everything I can to eat some food that support glowing skin and avoid others.

Remember, just changing your diet isn’t enough. A healthy gut reflects healthy skin, so it’s important to take care of your microbiome as well.

Your skincare routine is also essential. Life can get busy (believe me, I know), but it’s so important to take that extra step and care for your skin. If you don’t know where to start, ask the people that are experts in this field.

Last, but not least, your emotional and spiritual well-being greatly impact your skin and give you that natural glow. The most beautiful people are the ones that are comfortable with themselves, so there truly is an emotional and spiritual side to skincare.

If you’re struggling with self-love or finding your True Self, you should address that now. MY TIPS FOR A GLOWING SKIN


Drink WATER AND TRY SEASONAL SMOOTHIES! It's a great way to help nourish and balance your skin. Plus, it has so many wonderful minerals and electrolytes. It’s a true beauty food! Add a smoothie TWICE OR THREE TIMES PER WEEK and you've created a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth and help your skin. One of my favourites is my GREEN SMOOTHIE AND THE GUT FRIENDLY SMOOTHIE.


Get active! Run, cycle, do strength training, practice ashtanga yoga, or just go for a walk. Getting active will help with your circulation, which is great for your skin. You'll not only get your blood flowing, but sweat out toxins too.


Accept yourself! Acceptance is a big word. When you accept yourself you'll create more harmony in your daily flow. It will be easier to stick to your routine and make healthier choices (and in turn healthier skin).

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28 lug 2022


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